Articles tagged under: Travis Maddock
Fewer Dollars to Promote Beef
Published September 5, 2023
The Beef Promotion Operating Committee is made up of 20 beef producers from across the country. "We meet once a year to go through authorization requests from organizations that are looking to use beef checkoff dollars for research, promotion or…A Resilient Beef Industry
Published February 3, 2023
Davenport, North Dakota rancher Travis Maddock is a member of Beef Promotion Operating Committee and says a declining cow herd and inflation will influence beef checkoff resources. "I challenged our contractors, you better come in with some good projects because there's…ND Beef Commission Elects New Officer Team
Published July 5, 2019
The North Dakota Beef Commission named its 2019-2020 executive officers. Weston Dvorak of Manning, North Dakota is the new chairman. Sidney, Montana rancher Mark Voll is the vice-chairman and Travis Maddock of Davenport, North Dakota is the secretary/treasurer. Clark Price…