Articles tagged under: Tommy Grisafi
Traders Watching PNW Cash Bids
Published January 1, 2019
Tommy Grisafi, a risk management advisor with Advance Trading Inc., is watching cash bids at the Pacific Northwest for signs of demand. Grisafi says this is a secret market for traders. "It's not something that's as easy to see as pulling…Look for Action, Not Rhetoric
Published December 3, 2018
While China has apparently agreed to purchase U.S. agricultural commodities, details are scarce. Advance Trading Risk Management Advisor Tommy Grisafi is not impressed. "When they say China is going to buy a significant amount of grain, if they bought a…Keep Cash Flowing in Tough Times
Published November 21, 2018
Due to poor prices and high basis levels, farmers are choosing to store unsold portions of this year’s crop. While there is uncertainty in the commodity markets, there is opportunity. Once the crop is in the bin, what can farmers…Start Marketing Next Year’s Crop Now
Published October 5, 2018
The current soybean price is telling farmers to store the soybeans. Advance Trading Agriculture Risk Management Advisor Tommy Grisafi tells farmers to start looking at marketing next year’s production. Farmers need to explore all of their marketing options. "Your local elevator…