Articles tagged under: risk management
What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published October 21, 2019
Corn basis is hot at grain elevators right now. What’s not hot? Mother Nature continues to delay harvest in the Northern Plains. Advance Trading risk management advisor Tommy Grisafi has more in this edition of What’s Hot, What’s Not in…What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published September 23, 2019
Spring wheat funds are record short in the markets right now. What’s not so hot? There's a volatile stock market. Advance Trading risk management advisor Tommy Grisafi has more details in this edition of What’s Hot, What’s Not in the…What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published August 26, 2019
In today's edition of What's Hot, What's Not in the Markets, Advance Trading's Tommy Grisafi highlights a variety of topics, ranging from interest rates to presidential tweets. Grisafi is based at Mayville, North Dakota and will be part of the…What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published June 3, 2019
In this week's edition of What's Hot, What's Not in the Markets, Advance Trading risk management advisor Tommy Grisafi talks about prevent plant. Grisafi says a historically large number of PP corn acres is still a possibility. Listen to the…What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published May 6, 2019
Cash corn basis in the areas served by North Dakota ethanol plants are hot. What's not hot? Old crop soybeans have dropped below $7 per bushel, influenced by a presidential tweet. Advance Trading risk management advisor Tommy Grisafi has more…What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published April 29, 2019
The Midwest is seeing more rain lately, causing delays in planting progress. Advance Trading risk management advisor Tommy Grisafi says the markets are responding to the conditions. Hear more in this week’s edition of What’s Hot, What’s Not in the…What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published April 22, 2019
The stock market and crude oil are moving higher, but the grain market has not had the same kind of bounce. Advance Trading risk management advisor Tommy Grisafi looks at the latest market dynamics in this week's edition of What's…What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published April 15, 2019
In this week's edition of 'What's Hot, What's Not in the Markets,' Advance Trading risk management advisor Tommy Grisafi offers insight into the outside markets, planting delays and trade.What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets?
Published March 4, 2019
Advance Trading risk management advisor Tommy Grisafi is urging farmers to make an "actionable decision" on their old crop supplies. Listen to more in this week's episode of "What's Hot, What's Not in the Markets."