Articles tagged under: Luther Markwart
Navigating Turbulent Times
Published February 7, 2025
The Trump Administration is making a lot of big, quick decisions. Rather than focus on the turbulent times, American Sugarbeet Growers Association Executive Vice President Luther Markwart encouraged his members "to take a deep breath and we will navigate through…Strong Safety Net is a Must
Published November 18, 2024
As every day goes by, American Sugarbeet Growers Association Executive Director Luther Markwart sees fewer opportunities to pass a farm bill during the lame duck session. "What they're really going to need to do is get some sort of disaster funding…Differences Remain Over the Farm Bill
Published June 20, 2024
The farm bill dominated discussions at this year's World Association of Beet and Cane Growers annual conference. According to American Sugarbeet Growers Association Executive Vice President Luther Markwart, there's still a lot of moving parts with this legislation. "It's difficult…CBO Budget Score is ‘the Hammer’ Needed for the Farm Bill
Published April 30, 2024
The math for the farm bill gets more complicated if something doesn’t happen in the month ahead. American Sugarbeet Growers Association Executive Vice President Luther Markwart says Congress is now dealing with a budget baseline established in May of 2023. "If…Protect No-Cost Sugar Program
Published March 4, 2024
Sugarbeet growers from across the country are in Washington, D.C., meeting with over 300 congressional representatives over two weeks. American Sugarbeet Growers Association Executive Vice President Luther Markwart says the farm bill message remains consistent. “We need to strengthen the…Time Becomes a Farm Bill Concern
Published February 5, 2024
Before the farm bill can advance, Congress needs to finish the appropriations process. There are many competing forces. "They're dealing with this border problem, which is a priority; they're off campaigning a lot so they're not in town nearly as…Chlorpyrifos Concerns Remain
Published December 24, 2023
American Sugarbeet Growers Association CEO Luther Markwart is pleased with the EPA’s decision to create new guidelines for the use of chlorpyrifos. “Farmers rely on these pesticides to protect crops from destructive pests and maintain important conservation practices,” said Markwart.…Razor Thin Margins in Congress
Published November 21, 2023
The Republicans have 222 seats in Congress, while the Democrats have 213. In the Senate, there is a 50-50 split. A shift in just a few seats in either chamber next year would change party control. will determine which party…Attack on Sugar Avoided
Published October 2, 2023
Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry had an amendment prepared that would have eliminated the sugar loan program for sugarbeets and sugar cane. The sugar industry responded with a full-court press lobbying effort and the amendment was ultimately not brought up during…