Articles tagged under: Jim Bitz
A Record Sale at Napoleon Livestock Auction
Published January 16, 2022
Napoleon Livestock had a record number of cattle come through the auction barn Thursday. Napoleon Livestock Auction co-owner Jim Bitz says more than 8,000 head sold in the feeder cattle special sale. "We actually sold the most cattle we've ever…A Strong December Cattle Run
Published December 19, 2018
Between wet weather and harvest delays, the fall cattle run was pushed back throughout much of the region. Come December, the fall run did pick up pace at many North Dakota auction markets. Recent runs at Napoleon Livestock have averaged…Fall Cattle Run at Napoleon Livestock Slow to Start
Published October 31, 2018
For Napoleon Livestock, the fall cattle run has been delayed due to the stretch of wet weather in early October. Dual crop and cattle producers are focused on harvest right now. "The time wasn't there to give preconditioning shots and…