Articles tagged under: futures and options
What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published October 18, 2021
In this week's edition of What's Hot, What's Not in the Markets, Advance Trading Risk Management Advisor Tommy Grisafi outlines harvest activity and the impact on markets, energy values and what's happening on Wall Street.What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published October 11, 2021
Crude oil has hit $82 per barrel. Cash grain markets remain strong. In this week's edition of What's Hot, What's Not in the Markets, Advance Trading RIsk Management Advisor Tommy Grisafi also outlines the latest news regarding supply chain disruptions.What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published October 4, 2021
Energy prices are on fire, which is affecting the cost of fertilizer. In this edition of What's Hot, What's Not in the Markets, Advance Trading Risk Management Agency Advisor Tommy Grisafi says the basis values remain very strong.What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published September 27, 2021
Beautiful harvest weather and an uptick in crude oil prices are highlighted in this week's edition of What's Hot, What's Not in the Markets. Advance Trading Risk Management Advisor Tommy Grisafi says agriculture generally does better when energy prices are…What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published September 13, 2021
Following Friday's USDA supply/demand report, there was positive news for the market. In this week's edition of What's Hot, What's Not in the Markets, Advance Trading Risk Management Advisor Tommy Grisafi says markets rallied after initial weakness. An acreage battle…What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published September 7, 2021
Harvest prices for corn and soybeans are at nine-year highs. In this week's edition of What's Hot, What's Not in the Markets, Advance Trading Risk Management Advisor Tommy Grisafi says higher prices are also expected in 2022, but an acreage…What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published August 30, 2021
The Northern Plains and Upper Midwest has received rain this past week and that's positive news for the grower. In today's edition of What's Hot, What's Not in the Markets, Advance Trading Risk Management Advisor Tommy Grisafi outlines harvest market…What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published August 9, 2021
Outside markets dropped overnight with concerns about the pandemic and its impact on travel. Rains were also seen in parts of the Cornbelt over the weekend. Find out more in this week's edition of What's Hot, What's Not in the…What’s Hot, What’s Not in the Markets
Published August 2, 2021
Midwestern rains, a private estimate on Russia's wheat crop and labor issues all get attention in this week's edition of What's Hot, What's Not in the Markets. Advance Trading Risk Management Advisor Tommy Grisafi kicks of the week with a…