Articles tagged under: Collin Peterson
A Parting Shot
Published December 4, 2020
House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson is taking a parting shot as he leaves Congress, introducing legislation to expand the Conservation Reserve Program to a minimum of 50 million acres. "I'm hoping to put this on the radar screen so…Mixed Emotions About the Election, But Ready to Move On
Published December 4, 2020
House Agriculture Committee Chair Collin Peterson is the architect of the current sugar and dairy titles of the farm bill. Peterson had an extensive conversation with his successor, Georgia Congressman David Scott, about farm policy. "He assured me that he…Thinking Ahead to the Next Farm Bill
Published December 3, 2020
Minnesota Senator Tina Smith met with the Red River Valley Sugarbeet Growers Association on Wednesday. Protecting the sugar program in the farm bill is top-of-mind for local sugarbeet growers. "What a loss it is to not have the advocacy of…Peterson Backs Scott for Ag Committee Chairmanship
Published November 11, 2020
House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson is supporting Georgia Congressman David Scott to be his successor. Peterson wrote a letter to Scott, voicing his support for the seniority system. The Minnesota lawmaker followed the first Hispanic chair of the House…Peterson Responds to 2020 Election Results
Published November 4, 2020
In response to the election results, House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson thanked Minnesota’s Seventh Congressional District for the support in the last few years. Peterson said they ran a strong and positive campaign, but President Trump winning the district…Sugarbeet Industry: Peterson Election Loss Impacts All Ag
Published November 4, 2020
The sugarbeet industry is disappointed in the results in Minnesota's 7th Congressional District. American Sugarbeet Growers Association Executive Vice President Luther Markwart said it’s not just Minnesota farmers hurt by the loss of House Agriculture Committee Collin Peterson. "Peterson's influence…Russell: Don’t Trust the Polls
Published October 23, 2020
Vice President Joe Biden is ahead of President Donald Trump in many of the national polls. The Russell Group President Randy Russell does not have a lot of faith in these polls. "To be very honest, some of these pollsters…The Political World is Watching Minnesota’s 7th District
Published October 22, 2020
This race is between House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson and Republican challenger Michelle Fischbach. "It is probably the highest stakes race for ag on the House landscape and probably anywhere on the congressional landscape," said David Wasserman, who is…Peterson-Fischbach Debate Ag Issues
Published October 6, 2020
Farm policy was a major part of the Prairie Public television debate between Representative Collin Peterson and his challenger Michelle Fischbach. Fischbach touted her experience in the Minnesota Senate, representing a district that has agriculture. "I've started an ag advisory…