The USDA adjusted payments under the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program for potatoes, but it may not help all growers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The agency now recognizes potato growers suffered a five percent or greater price decline during the coronavirus; this makes potato growers eligible for category one payments. The USDA will also break down the CFAP payments into four sectors: fresh russets, fresh other, processing and seed potatoes. Northern Plains Potato Growers Association President Donavon Johnson said the USDA’s efforts are appreciated, but also a little surprising. “Breaking potatoes into four different categories isn’t something that we suggested in how to improve the program,” explained Johnson. “Then, they put caps on the payouts. Initially, they had an 80 cent payout if you experienced a loss of at least five percent between January 15 and April 15.” Johnson is interested to see how potato growers’ eligibility for the program will be impacted with the changes. “There maybe some dollars available that come through if someone can fit themselves within these boxes, but I think they complicated the issue beyond what it needed to be,” said Johnson. “We look forward to continuing to work with the USDA to come up with something that works better for the grower.”
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