Early season weeds are starting to emerge across North Dakota. Lambsquarters, wild buckwheat, kochia and volunteer hemp are popping up. Waterhemp is also making an early appearance. “We found waterhemp in Fargo research fields and some sugarbeet cooperatives have found the weed, too,” said Joe Ilkey, weed specialist, NDSU Extension. “With all of the waterhemp production last year and minimal fall fieldwork, we can’t be too surprised.” Thorough tillage can help manage the first flush of weeds. “The one thing we want to avoid is a quick, one pass that doesn’t break down a bunch of the dirt clods. Early emerging weeds can survive on the larger clods if we don’t get the soil tilled well. Farmers need to do a good job and then, getting a pre-emergence herbicide applied as close to planting as possible.” If a farmer has a no-till operation, Ikley said a good burn down program would be ideal to get a start on weed management. Photo credit: Joe Ikley
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