Binford, North Dakota farmer and rancher Tanner Overby’s life changed nearly one year ago on January 30, 2019 when both of his hands got caught in a feed mixer wagon. There were extensive injuries to his hands and arm and he went through 12 surgeries in 30 days. Here’s Tanner’s advice for others going through a similar, traumatic situation. “Let people help you. I know it’s hard to keep your head up with something like that, but moping and feeling sorry for yourself is going to make everyone around you miserable. Just try and take the high road; look at the positive.” There was family, the community and people that Tanner had never met before giving him words of encouragement. “It was unreal; everyone was willing to help,” says Overby. “There are a lot of good people out there. I was lucky to be from this small community when it happened.” Tanner is engaged to Red River Farm Network farm broadcaster Megan Ternquist. Hear more from the couple in this episode of TransFARMation.