Stress is certainly a reality in agriculture today. That stress also extends to children on the farm. Maddie Smith’s family farms in southeastern Minnesota. While Maddie may only be a freshman in college, she recognizes what is happening on the family farm. “Times have been tough for the last several years. I really don’t remember growing up in a time when farming was good,” she explains. “We definitely see what’s happening with our parents and grandparents. I think something that is easy to overlook is it is happening to us, too.” Parents often want to protect their kids and shield them from financial challenges on the farm. “Which is almost worse. It’s like being left in the shadows,” says Smith. ” I love being on the farm, don’t get me wrong, but at the same time it’s kind of a cruel reminder of what’s happening. We’re losing money even though it’s something we love to do.” Hear more from Maddie in the latest TransFARMation podcast.
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